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The Healthy Recipe

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest…
Smoky Spice Crusted Tofu

Soy and Breast Cancer: Food that Heals

A study recently published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that eating soy products could decrease the recurrence of breast cancer.

 Are Graviola Tree Leaves the Key to Stopping Cancer?

Are Graviola Tree Leaves the Key to Stopping Cancer?

Are the leaves of a tropical fruit tree the new miracle drug, killing cancer and protecting your body from disease?

Don’t Avoid These 7 Foods in Your Healthy Diet

Don’t Avoid These 7 Foods in Your Healthy Diet

There are some foods that just seem to get a bad reputation. Here is a list of 7 foods that are often on the off-limits list, but really should be a part of your healthy diet.

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